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Monday, April 4, 2011

10 reasons I am happy...

I am so happy to be back in NC for my last Pharmacy rotation. I couldn't have planned this any better if I had tried. Originally, I had this rotation scheduled for September 2010, but I really wanted to go be with my family when they moved to OH. I wanted to be there to help the kids get transitioned to their new school and home. Now I am back in NC to make up this month. It just so happens that it is also absolutely BEAUTIFUL as Spring has definitely arrived here in the south! Here are the top 10 reasons I am so happy to be back in North Carolina!

    dogwood, blue sky & sunglasses
  1. Dear Dogwood trees,  I have missed you! You have my heart. Love, Heather.
  2. The azaleas are blooming.
  3. The sky is so BLUE!
  4. My accent is NOT the countriest one around. Shocker!
  5. There is no shame in eating fried food (every once in a while). Yum, hush puppies and sweet tea.
  6. 85 degreessssss........Yes, EIGHTY-FIVE! OCHENTA Y CINCO, mis amigos!
  7. Wearing my sunglasses!
  8. Driving with the windows down. Vitamin D repletion in process.
  9. Seeing FaMiLy, FrIeNdS and other familiar faces.
  10. Being done with my last first day of my LAST rotation ever! 


Foursons said...

So happy for you! I know you were needing some sun in your life. And congrats on getting through the LAST first day. :)

OUR WILD ZOO! said...

EHHHHHH all these updates are making me long to visit the south. It sounds so amazing, so refreshing- I'd love to spend some time there, especially in the spring/early summer. Enjoy your stay- I bet your fam is soo happy to have you back.

Deciduous Heather