Karsen turned TEN years old last week! I remember when I turned 10. I thought I knew everything. You couldn't tell me otherwise. When I look at Karsen I see me when I was 10. In so many ways.
10 years ago we were blessed with a 6 lb 12 oz little firecracker. A little mini-me. I remember the first time I saw her face. She had such chubby cheeks and so much black hair. She looked like a little eskimo baby, and when our eyes met I felt like our family was complete.
Karsen, 6 weeks, Dec 1999 |
Her first year was quite challenging. She was NOT happy unless she was in Mommy's arms or preferably nursing in Mommy's arms. She cried if she was doing anything else or if anyone else tried to hold her. I remember Chris' Mom was SCARED to babysit her because NO ONE could stop her from crying except Mommy. There were even times I could not stop her from crying. We playfully tell her she cried the first year of her life.
After that it was like a switch flipped. She became the happiest toddler. Except when a camera was pointed her way.
mean princess, 2002 |
Then the times seemed to fly by. I remember when you were little you LOVED to dress up. Everthing was princess. You loved pink and purple. All things prissy. The ultimate girly girl. You and your lil cousin Leigha were the ultimate girly girl duo and loved to dress like twins.
cousins |
You have always loved to read and it was a challenge to keep clothes on you as well. I will never forget the nights we would go in your room and you would be sitting on the edge of your bed with your short little legs swinging. reading a book (in the dark), without a stitch of clothes on. LOL. Classic 3 year old Karsen.
It seems like you did everything fast. You walked at 8 months and 1 week old. Everyone would say you looked like a baby doll walking that young. Then before we knew it you were not so much a baby, you were suddenly a grown little toddler.
You used to order for yourself when we went out to eat. I remember you saying in your little 2 year old/ little lady voice, "I would like a baked potato with butter and sour cream like a woman". The waitress would look at you and then look at us and laugh. LOL.
We spent the first years of your life singing. You learned to talk and sing at the same time. I never heard a two year old who loved to sing as much as you.
"PWease play the U-SIC MOMMA!" |
You used to tell me to turn on the "U-SIC!" .....(the way you used to say music when you were two) before you were even buckled in your carseat. When Dylan started school we would spend the days running errands and running around singing together. You loved Alicia Keyes, Reba McIntire, and Martica McBride. You also loved to combine it all, princess time and singing and silly time with your brother.
5th birthday |
Then before we knew it you were turning five. Ready to start school. You loved this outfit you have on. Not long after you had your first day of school. I remember leaving the school crying my eyeballs out because you were growing up way too fast. I am sure I scared some of the children as I walked out of the school crying and hiccupping. Good thing this picture was taken on our way in....before my emotional meltdown.
1st day of school |
And then you can be Daddy's girl too.
You have a way of asking him for something with the sweetest little voice and I can tell there is no way he will tell you no.
I am going to have to talk to him about that!
And suddenly now you are in the fourth grade and loving school, gymnastics and of course singing. You and your brother both have adjusted wonderfully to all the change that has happened in our family over the last few years. You have a gift of being able to make friends easily. I was worried when this year started because all of your friends from last year were in the other 4th grade class. You looked at me as we were reading the class roster and said (as you rolled your eyes in your newly tween voice), "It's OK Mom, I will just make new friends and keep the old ones too".
You love to cook. You are like my little shadow in the kitchen. Constantly saying, "I can do it. Let me do it, Mom". You went from being a nursing magnet, to just being right beside me most of the time.
We sing. We laugh. We shop. We cook. We clean. You help me do whatever I am working on. Thank you for having such a willing spirit to help. You also try to tell me what to wear. You are my very own little fashionista and personal "What Not to Wear" consultant.
(Even when I don't ask for your opinion.) You are quick to vocalize your opinion and let me know if a certain pair of jeans "dont work with my hips". HA!?
Karsen, I am so proud of the little lady you are becoming. My prayer for you is that you are always the fierce, sweet, and confident girl that you are now. Never forget where you come from.
Home in NC, 2008 |
I pray you never lose your JOY for life.
You are just like me in so many ways, but I can honestly say you also have many gifts that I still struggle with as an adult. I hope you never let anyone try to change you.
You embrace life fully each day.
Keep doing that, Karsen.
Never doubt yourself.
Not for a moment.
Know that you can do anything you want. You are such a light in our lives. It's a privilege to be your Mommy. I thank the Lord daily for the blessing and challenge of being your Mommy. And I hope you always know how much we love you.
Fourth Grade |
Welcome to double digits, Karsen Grace.
We love you.
My mother wanted me to be her wings, to fly as she never quite had the courage to do.
I love her for that. I love the fact that she wanted to give birth to her own wings.
- Erica Jong