I hope you all are loving summer as much as we are! We are in the midst of a heatwave here in Ohio, like much of the country. While we were gone to the beach in SC, we saw that Ohio was having 100+ degrees temps! We couldn't believe it! The night before we came home, a major storm came through central Ohio and half of our neighborhood was without power FOR 8 DAYS!
We didn't know what to expect when we were driving home! Would we be one of the lucky ones with power? Would we have trees that were down? We were literally holding our breath when we pulled into the driveway late last Saturday night, and were so happy to see we had power. Our yard was a WRECK and there was fallen tree limb that landed literally 2 feet from my car. We felt so blessed to be one of the houses with power.
The heat wave continues, and even with power and A/C it has been a challenge to stay cool! This weekend was full of sun and fun. We started Saturday morning with a trip to our little, local farmer's market. It is one of my favorite things to do in the summer. I love to go down there and just meander around, taste test this and that, and people watch!
We picked up some locally grown cucumbers and zucchini and homemade strawberry-rhubarb jam that was soooo delicious. We bought some coffee and cocoa infused honey for Chris' morning oatmeal, and we got a "breakfast sammy" from a food truck that sells only organic, free-range eggs and sausage sandwiches. They were so good! The food truck was called....
The CLUCKWAGON (from Google images)
The CLUCKWAGON! We grabbed our sammies and sat in a nearby park and listened to a local bluegrass band play music on the benches beside us. It was a fun morning, and by the time we left we were HOT, HOT, HOT!
Chris decided that a trip to a nearby lake was in order. We had never been there, but heard that Alum Creek Lake had a huge beach. So, we decided to try it out. Who knew that there was this much water this close to Columbus?!
There were sailboats and jet skis zooming by in the distance, and there were a whole lotta people just trying to stay cool. We had a good time! I still prefer the Atlantic Ocean (of course), but this little trip only took 20 minutes and it was a nice alternative when you are in the Midwest and about 12 hours from the closest ocean.
By the time we got home, we were a little sunburned and a whole lotta tired...but we were still smiling, because we are just lovin' summer!
Hope you all had a fun weekend too!