Wonderful weekend was comprised of
a visit from my sister
and little brother, Wesley.
Was great to hang out with them
See familiar faces and hear familiar accents.
You don't know how much you miss familiar
until you leave it.
We spent Saturday here
(google) |
Which may very well be
the most beautiful place I've ever seen in Ohio.
It was a great day trip
10,000 acres of conservation land located 70 miles east of Columbus.
with rhinos, giraffes, and zebras.
We had to kill time
because we had a to be out of the house for 7 hours
while Magdelena worked her magic.
Yes, I had my house
professionally cleaned.
I almost cried when we got home.
It was a little gift to myself.
Today was a girls' day
and my sis, Karsen and I hung out
at my favorite place in Columbus.
(google) |
It was artisan Sunday
and I bought two handmade pot holders
that had brown owls on them.
Sweestet things ever.
(google) |
It's hard to believe we have been here a year already
and some things here really ARE starting to feel familiar.
It's starting to feel like home.
Kinda, sorta.
P.S. I got a smart phone this weekend
and I am pretty sure it's smarter than I am.
I will now be able to upload random, weird pictures.
Karsen showed me how to do this.
The smart phone is smarter than I am
but not smarter than my fourth grader.
Hope you had a happy weekend too.