I am linking up with my friend,
Julie @ Foursons....I have a few letters I need to write this week! I gotta get a few things off my chest!
Dear question-makers for the exams I took the last two days,
I am not legally obliged to comment on the exam, so I can't say how I really feel about you. Grrrrrr! Sigh.
Dear people who will be issuing my license,
Why don't you submit your scores electronically online? Seriously?! Every other state does, but Nooooo, not you! If you did I could find out my scores as early as next Monday or Tuesday..... but you make me wait on SNAIL MAIL!? What year is it?...1995 or something? Sheesh.....Please put me out of my misery ASAP. Don't make me wait and wait and wait. I would like to know my fate next week if possible. Thanks so much. Until then I will be forced to stalk the mail man. I have no other choice, as these are desperate times indeed.
Dear new boss of my new job,
My first day is Monday! You were so nice to me during the interview, and I am truly looking forward to being part of your team. I hope you are as friendly to work with as you were during the interview process. I am a quick-learner, but please don't overwhelm me during the first week! I am sure I will be slightly nervous initially. Be gentle! I still feel so blessed to have been chosen for this position, and I promise you won't regret picking me!
Dear sweet husband of mine,
THANK YOU so much for letting me crash every night this week from exhaustion. You know I need my sleep, and the stress of this week didn't help. Thank you for cooking supper and cleaning up the kitchen the last two nights. Your support has meant the world to me. I couldn't have done it without, Bay! Thank you for being so proud of me. I can't wait for our lunch date today....and for everyday after that.
(google) |
Dear Heather,
CONGRATS! You are a new graduate, no longer a student. You are officially a Pharmacist! Lord willing, you will have passed your Boards and will be an official licensed practitioner! Today is the last day of being in between school/graduation and the "real world". Your new job starts on Monday, and this is what you have been waiting for. No more count-downs till the next big exam, Spring Break, or till the next rotation is done. It is all behind you!
Look ahead...I challenge you to embrace this new chapter of your life. Don't count down the weeks as they pass, waiting for 5pm on Friday or till the next three day weekend. Enjoy today, build relationships with your patients, find satisfaction in knowing you are helping them
live better.
Also, be patient as you transition to being a full-time working mom. Yes, that is the most redundant phrase ever...but don't try to do it all by yourself. It can't be done, and you will only stress yourself out. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Don't be afraid to pay for help LOL. Lastly, it sounds cliche' but don't sweat the small stuff...life is about the journey, not the destination!
Enjoy this new chapter of your life!
Deciduous Heather
"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12