January started with a very exciting accomplishment and graduation for Chris. I was so proud of him!
Heather & Chris with Brett & Karlie
January 2010 |
Karlie is a good friend our mine that I met and fell in love with via email as we supported each other thruogh a trying time! This was a very happy, emotional day for all of us.
In the meantime, we had to get Chris set up with an apartment and get ready to live in seperate states for 8.5 more months. :( He started his new job and headed to Columbus, OH without his family at the end of January.
And then moves in THE SISTER!! Without her, we would not have made it through this year.
Life-saver, Aunt Extraordinaire, Suzy |
We found a new rhythm to life with Chris living/working out of state. Aunt Suzy helped me so much with the day-to-day with the kids...as I finished up my P3 year of school.
In February, my Uncle Pee-Wee passed away at the age of 46 from complications of COPD. Too young.
It did force the whole family to come together, which never happens.
Mom (center) surrounded by her children and grandkids. |
Life kept going, school for the kids and me...each week we counted down till the weekend when Daddy was home again. The kids thrived despite all the recent changes.
In March, Chris and I had a midpoint weekend rendezvous in Beckley, WV. He needed reassurance that this new job was right for our family, because it was starting to get harder for all of us to live apart. He was really missing us.
It was a tough time but we clung to each other and kept looking ahead to the future. In April we went Easter Egg hunting with good friends at church.
Karsen and Austin at Rawls B.C. |
Dylan, Easter Egg hunt 2010 |
Later that month Dylan and Karsen were both voted King and Princess of their classes at school.
Karsen & Austin, Princess and Prince 2nd grade |
"Royalty" |
Taylor and Dylan, 5th grade King & Queen |
In May, I finished my P3 year of Pharmacy School, and classes were behind me FOREVER! I relied on friends and family to continue praying for us because it was not getting any easier for us. I cried ALOT.
Amanda and her husband, Emory, were prayer warriors for us this past year. And for that we were so grateful!
Amanda and Heather, P3 year, Spring 2010 |
Time went by and we kept looking ahead to the next time Daddy would be home and we would have our little family back together.
A son misses the wrestling, rough housing and all the things that ONLY DADDY can do.
Mommy doesn't DO headlocks and such! LOL May was a fun month. Karsen and I went to the see TAYLOR SWIFT in concert with her best friend!
Austin and Karsen |
...and we visited OHIO again! We took a long weekend before I started my another P4 rotation. I wanted to get a feel for our new home!
We went to the ZOO!
and went shopping!
Columbus, OH |
Lo and behold we had to come back to NC after a wonderful weekend in OH with Chris. And in June the kids finished another year of school.
Last day at L. Elem.
Our carpool gang!
and I finished Geriatrics and started my month of Ambulatory Care. |
Time had a way of flipping on by and we kept trying to sell our house. Nothing happened. We fell in love with a house in OH. That fell through too. We had a long period of high stress and uncertainty.
EXHAUSTED pretty much sums up most of our summer. I was exhausted working 60+ hours/ wk on rotation. Chris exhausted all of his annual leave taking long weekends so he could drive 20 hours round trip to come home and see us on the weekend. A 3 day weekend here and there to keep from going crazy. We were just plain exhausted.
We toughed it out and made the most of what would be our last summer in NC.
July 4th brought some fun with fireworks...
We still has some summer time fun with water gun fights in the backyard......
and made summer time treats in the kitchen.
We even made it to the beach for a day-trip...We knew it would likely be our only chance to get there this summer!
Karsen soaking up the sun <3 |
Heather in her favorite place |
Grandma Mable & Dylan
Feb 2010 |
July ended on a sad note. My grandmother had a terrible fall at home and suffered severe burns over most of her torso, chest, and thighs. My Mom went with her to the hospital and hardly left her side over the next 6 weeks. The kids and I visited when we could, and I tried to focus on the last month of my Internal Med rotation despite feeling like I was in the midst of a storm.
In August, things started turning around for us on many levels. We miraculously found potential renters for our house in NC even though we weren't looking! Talk about answered prayers. We found an AMAZING house in OHIO to rent and the ball for the big move FINALLY started rolling!!
The movers came and packed us up and then Chris took the kids back with him to OHIO! He got them signed up for school, and they patiently waited for me to join them. First I had to finish Internal Med and tie up some loose ends in NC.
Bon Voyage, NC! |
The kids got used to their new home, neighborhood and started at their new school.
First day of 3rd and 6th grade, B. Elem |
A few weeks later I made the trip myself and we were finally back together again!
Two days after I arrived to OH, I got the early morning call that my Grandmother had passed away. I saw her three days before and could tell that she was going to be saying goodbye to this world soon. I knew it would be the last time I saw her alive. I quickly made a few phone calls and bought a round-trip ticket back to NC for the next day. Our family was back together again for a little while to say goodbye to my sweet Grandma.
I flew back to OH the next day.AND CRASHED. I was physically, emotionally, mentally exhausted from the past 9 months and all I wanted to do was rest and BE HOME with my FAMILY OF FOUR finally.
We had time to rest our souls, reflect on the year, and truly appreciate everything we had overcome in the last year. The kids wasted no time making friends and getting involved in school. Dylan turned 11 in October.
Dylan decided he was old enough for a cell phone and a girlfriend. He also started growing his hair out.
My sisters and nephew came to surprise Dylan on his birthday! He was so happy.
We went tractor riding
and apple picking.
Karsen turned 9 a month later!
November also gave Chris the opportunity to realize a new dream. He was able to fly in a Stearman World War II biplane.
After I finish school he wants to pursue his private pilot's license!
December brought a surprise visit from our favorite family from NC!
It was really cold during there visit, but they enjoyed sledding with the kids and seeing Columbus!
We went to the OSU horseshoe, COSI, and Easton!
It was so great to see familiar faces of such good friends. We had really been missing them!
We got in the Christmas spirit, and Karsen and I went to see the NUTCRACKER
while Chris and Dylan had a boys' day! They had THE TALK.OMG!!! It was time.....and it went well. I can't believe my first born is really growing up.
This year really was all about growth for us. We went through major change, trials and tribulations....and came out alive on the other side. Last night as we rang in the New Year, Chris and I looked at each other and I know he was thinking what I was thinking. SO LONG 2010! We are SO HAPPY to put you behind us!
I can honestly say that the only way we made it through 2010 was by wrapping our arms around each other and holding on tight. Prayers from our friends and family were our saving Grace.
I also got so much support from my blogging friends. Thank you for all the people who commented and emailed and offered sweet words of encouragement. We couldn't have made it without them. 2010 tested us endlessly and taught us how strong we really are and many lessons along the way...we are confident we can make it through anything the future has to offer.
We look forward to 2011 and whatever it may bring our way.... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!