p.s. !!!!!!!!! ; )
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
A Few of my Favorite (Fall) Things

1. Brown-Brown, brown brown as far as the eye can see. Orange, cinnamon, yellow, and brown leaves all around. I love brown, and this season is so beautiful to me. Our crepe myrtle tree is a beautiful orange right now, and all over the place leaves are floating...down, down, down.

3. Breakin' out the BLUE JEANS!-Vigoss are my favorite brand right now (see above). The flap on the back pocket is great for skinny gals with small hips that are kinda lacking in the bootie department. But let's keep that between you and me. Granted, instead of the high heels pictured above, I tend to opt for clogs or boots when picking the kids up from school. I can't pull off the animal-print heels....Plus, I would totally break my ankle.

4. Cooking comfort food. I love one pot wonder meals, like homemade chicken n pastry--aka chicken n dumplings in other parts of the country--we call it pastry round these parts! It is my all-time fave food, always has been. I have memories of my mom rolling it out by hand...the only way to make it. I have a few short-cuts that I use, but it is still yummy--whoever said "Food is not love" hasn't had a bowl of my chicken n pastry~ it makes all of us very, very happy.

5. BIRTHDAYS!! FALL brings about the annual Birthday marathon in our household. We have a series of birthdays coming up~ Dylan just turned 10 a couple of weeks ago. Karsen turns 8 in a couple of weeks, and I turn 32 in early December! ..and throw Thanksgiving into the mix. That's a whole lot of celebrating....a lot of birthday cake AND turkey and dressing...although not at the same time.
What are a few of your favorite things this time of year?
Monday, October 26, 2009
I Choose Joy
I have so much to be thankful for.....I could waste time thinking about how I wish things were different, or how this week is going to be so hard, or why doesn't it get any easier....
OR I can see all the blessings that are right around me, all the opportunities that we have been given,
and all the life and happiness in my childrens' eyes. They are depending on me....
OR I can see all the blessings that are right around me, all the opportunities that we have been given,
and all the life and happiness in my childrens' eyes. They are depending on me....
So, I choose JOY.
Joy in the little moments.
Joy in the little moments.

and claims that she will have a Food Network show called...
you guessed it! "Cooking with Karsen"

Joy at the NC State Fair!
We had fun even in the rain!
We had fun even in the rain!

During a weekend that went by way too fast!

Chicken and Pastry is slowly cooking on the stove,
it's the kids' fave so they will be very happy.
It is gray, cold, and rainy outside, so that should warm us right up!
We have a lazy night at home planned as we tackle
the normal routine of homework, supper, cleaning up, bath-time...
to get ready to do it all again tomorrow.
And in the morning, when I am given the choice
I will choose Joy, yet again.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
58 Un-Interesting Things about Me!
I saw this at Tiara and Tantrums and just had to swipe it.
I heard your demands...
your requests that I write more about ME...
OK, ok...only one person asked....
but...here ya go!
Enjoy learning more about ME!
OK, random questions there, but it was a great distraction from studying STDs! LOL!
I heard your demands...
your requests that I write more about ME...
OK, ok...only one person asked....
but...here ya go!
Enjoy learning more about ME!
The phone rings. Who will it to be?
If it's my cell phone it is likely my older sister~we talk everyday :)
When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?
Yes, (unless it is raining).
In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener?
Social Butterfly. Talker.
Do you take compliments well?
Um...ughhh, it makes me uncomfortable, so NO!
Do you play Sudoku?
If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive?
No, I would starve to death because I don't eat "iffy" food.
Did you ever go to camp as a kid?
Once, and I loved it. 5th grade
What was your favorite game as a kid?
Connect 4 and Yahtzee
Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you?
Yes, but luckily I didn't have to.
Do you like to pursue or be pursued?
Be pursued I suppose
Use three words to describe yourself?
Dorky, Hard-headed, Nurturing
Do any songs make you cry?
Wind Beneath Me Wings, Bette Midler
Are you continuing your education?
Yep, Master's in Clinical Research and Pharmacy Doctorate
Class of 2011
Do you know how to shoot a gun?
No, they scare me...but it looks like I might learn soon. ;)
How often do you read books?
I used to read all the time before kids~reading was my first love.
Do you think more about the past, present or future?
The future, definitely.
What color are your eyes?
a weird brown/green combo
How tall are you?
5' 6.5"
Where is your dream house located?
Charleston, SC
If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you grabbed?
After my kids, I would grab photo albums if I could.
When was the last time you were at Olive Garden?
We prefer Carrabba's!
Where was the furthest place you traveled today?
12 miles to school, easy commute!
Do you like mustard?
Love it.
Do you prefer to sleep or eat?
Whoa, that would be close call. BOTH
Do you look like your mom or dad?
I look like my Mom but have my Dad's eyes.
How long does it take you in the shower?
I love long showers, so ~20 mins. It's the only alone time I get right now!
Can you do the splits?
I haven't tried in about 10 years, used to be a high school gymnast.
What movie do you want to see right now?
On November 20th I will be seeing New Moon!
What did you do for New Year’s?
Watched the NYC celebration on the couch with my sweetie and the kids.
And definitely went to bed shortly after.
Do you own a camera phone?
Yes, It is coming in handy right now while my husband is away.
What’s the last letter of your middle name?
Random, but it is T.
How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
8.5 (I love sleep and never get enough)
Do you like Care Bears?
They were my fave circa 1985
What do you buy at the movies?
Popcorn and Coke...must haves for my husband and kids.
Do you know how to play poker?
Yes, Imma' bluffling fool!
Do you wear your seat belt?
Of Course
What do you wear to sleep?
tank top and undies (usually)
Anything big ever happen in your hometown?
Nope, I'm from Smalltown, USA
How many meals do you eat a day?
about 5 (seriously)
Is your tongue pierced?
Nope, never
Do you like funny or serious people better?
Funny~but I like people that can be serious and have deep conversations too.
Ever been to L.A.?
Nope, I am a born and bred East Coast gal!
Did you eat a cookie today?
Yes, I am working on leftover cookie cake.
Do you use cuss words in other languages?
Nope and not in English either~lol.
Do you steal or pay for your music downloads?
Do you hate chocolate?
I love chocolate! The darker the better. lol~
What do you and your parents fight about the most?
That is a loaded question, and I am taking the 5th,that's a whole 'nother post.
Are you a gullible person?
I have my moments.
If you could have any job (assuming you have the skills) what would it be?
Pharmacist ;)
Are you easy to get along with?
People usually love me! lol~ok, seriously, I am friendly and I can talk to anyone.
What is your favorite time of day?
I love about 8pm on Friday nights when the week is over and the weekend is ahead and my whole family is home. Relax time!
If it's my cell phone it is likely my older sister~we talk everyday :)
When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?
Yes, (unless it is raining).
In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener?
Social Butterfly. Talker.
Do you take compliments well?
Um...ughhh, it makes me uncomfortable, so NO!
Do you play Sudoku?
If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive?
No, I would starve to death because I don't eat "iffy" food.
Did you ever go to camp as a kid?
Once, and I loved it. 5th grade
What was your favorite game as a kid?
Connect 4 and Yahtzee
Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you?
Yes, but luckily I didn't have to.
Do you like to pursue or be pursued?
Be pursued I suppose
Use three words to describe yourself?
Dorky, Hard-headed, Nurturing
Do any songs make you cry?
Wind Beneath Me Wings, Bette Midler
Are you continuing your education?
Yep, Master's in Clinical Research and Pharmacy Doctorate
Class of 2011
Do you know how to shoot a gun?
No, they scare me...but it looks like I might learn soon. ;)
How often do you read books?
I used to read all the time before kids~reading was my first love.
Do you think more about the past, present or future?
The future, definitely.
What color are your eyes?
a weird brown/green combo
How tall are you?
5' 6.5"
Where is your dream house located?
Charleston, SC
If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you grabbed?
After my kids, I would grab photo albums if I could.
When was the last time you were at Olive Garden?
We prefer Carrabba's!
Where was the furthest place you traveled today?
12 miles to school, easy commute!
Do you like mustard?
Love it.
Do you prefer to sleep or eat?
Whoa, that would be close call. BOTH
Do you look like your mom or dad?
I look like my Mom but have my Dad's eyes.
How long does it take you in the shower?
I love long showers, so ~20 mins. It's the only alone time I get right now!
Can you do the splits?
I haven't tried in about 10 years, used to be a high school gymnast.
What movie do you want to see right now?
On November 20th I will be seeing New Moon!
What did you do for New Year’s?
Watched the NYC celebration on the couch with my sweetie and the kids.
And definitely went to bed shortly after.
Do you own a camera phone?
Yes, It is coming in handy right now while my husband is away.
What’s the last letter of your middle name?
Random, but it is T.
How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
8.5 (I love sleep and never get enough)
Do you like Care Bears?
They were my fave circa 1985
What do you buy at the movies?
Popcorn and Coke...must haves for my husband and kids.
Do you know how to play poker?
Yes, Imma' bluffling fool!
Do you wear your seat belt?
Of Course
What do you wear to sleep?
tank top and undies (usually)
Anything big ever happen in your hometown?
Nope, I'm from Smalltown, USA
How many meals do you eat a day?
about 5 (seriously)
Is your tongue pierced?
Nope, never
Do you like funny or serious people better?
Funny~but I like people that can be serious and have deep conversations too.
Ever been to L.A.?
Nope, I am a born and bred East Coast gal!
Did you eat a cookie today?
Yes, I am working on leftover cookie cake.
Do you use cuss words in other languages?
Nope and not in English either~lol.
Do you steal or pay for your music downloads?
Do you hate chocolate?
I love chocolate! The darker the better. lol~
What do you and your parents fight about the most?
That is a loaded question, and I am taking the 5th,that's a whole 'nother post.
Are you a gullible person?
I have my moments.
If you could have any job (assuming you have the skills) what would it be?
Pharmacist ;)
Are you easy to get along with?
People usually love me! lol~ok, seriously, I am friendly and I can talk to anyone.
What is your favorite time of day?
I love about 8pm on Friday nights when the week is over and the weekend is ahead and my whole family is home. Relax time!
OK, random questions there, but it was a great distraction from studying STDs! LOL!
Monday, October 19, 2009
"It's the Climb"

That is how I feel like we are
living our lives right now.
The weeks are long and hard
and we are always so ready
and happy happy
when the weekend gets here.
Daddy comes home on (most) Fridays.
We are in a state of perpetual countdown mode.
4 days until Friday, starting NOW!

And when he is home....things really get crazy.
Everyone wants to see him,
this past weekend
we had Dylan's birthday party.
A houseful of about 30 family members
celebrated his 10 years of life.
Next weekend we may go to the
NC State Fair.

That's always fun and a big deal...
'round these parts*.
(*didja hear the country accent there?)
A whole lotta Happy...
and a whole lotta everything,
fried-food galore.
A very easy way to blow $200
and consume 2000 calories all in one place.
(That's what we call FUN in the bible belt.)
But between now and then
I have a major Therapeutics exam
the same day
the kids have a teacher's workday.
I'll have to see about childcare....Hmmm
I hope I don't forget that.

Friday will roll around and we will be
back together again.
The kids can wrestle with Daddy
since I am not very good at that sorta thing.
Countdown to Friday--T minus 4 days.
Countdown to January--T minus 10 weeks.
Countdown to October 2010--T minus 1 year.
This reminds me about a classic quote..
well ok, it is actually a Miley Cyrus song.

"There's always gonna be another mountainThings won't be this way for long.
I'm gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle...
Ain't about how fast I get there.
Ain't about what's waitin' on the other side
It's the climb!"
Soon, we will be back to normal,
well a new normal.
In the meantime,
I'm going to climb through another week.
"It's all about, it's all about the climb,
keep the faith, keep your faith....."
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Happy 10th Birthday to our first-born
10 years old today!
10 years ago....
at 6:47 am you made your big entrance
into this world!
I had a c-section after laboring all night,
naturally (with no drugs)
Super-hero mode.
Then they figured out
that was not your head.
It was your bum.
I was knocked out to stop contractions
and later in the day I found out I had
a blue eyed baby boy that was 21 3/4 inches long!
I saw a Polaroid
(obviously circa 1999)
because I was immobile for over a day
due to being hooked to IV antibiotics after
spiking a fever during labor
and you were in the NICU
due to low blood sugar.
You looked HUGE in the pic
and I could not believe
you had EVER been
tucked into my belly.
7 lb 14 oz
of beautiful boy.
We both went home two days later
you were nursing beautifully
and both of us were
happy as can be.
10 years later.
Present-day smart-alleck
future debate team president
and defense attorney.
We love you so much.
Happy Birthday, Dylan!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Take two of these and call me in the morning!
Tis the Season for In-flu-enza, fa la lalala, la la lala!
Don we now our coughing and sniffles, fa la lalala, la la lala!
Awaken we do, with 101 fever...fa la lalala, la la LALA!!

Ok, you get the gist.
Everyone is sick right now!
The weather is changing and people are hacking
and coughing everywhere we go!
All we have been hearing about is
who is sick, who has swine flu,
who has missed a whole of school...
I thought we were ahead of all of this
because a few weeks ago we all had the sniffles
and missed a few days of school.
Then we were fine.
I was wrong!
But, alas, our sweet Flower
woke up yesterday with a high fever
and has pretty much been parked on the couch since...
The debacle of going to the doctor or NOT,
is always a struggle for me.
Usually the high fevers end up being viral
and there is nothing to do except
liquids, rest, and rest....

and maybe some of momma's homemade soup.
Homemade Soup makes everything better!
(((Have I mentioned I already miss summer?
I am in denial.
I am loosing my leaves as I type.)))
It is going to be 42 degrees here tonight.
42 that is practically freezing, right?
I officially turned on the HEAT last night!
It is going to be a HIGH of 47
tomorrow! That is pure arctic weather.
Well, for me, anyway.
Ok, well maybe I am being(just a little) dramatic.
Fall is here!
Maybe when everyone gets well,
We can start enjoying it!
Don we now our coughing and sniffles, fa la lalala, la la lala!
Awaken we do, with 101 fever...fa la lalala, la la LALA!!

Ok, you get the gist.
Everyone is sick right now!
The weather is changing and people are hacking
and coughing everywhere we go!
All we have been hearing about is
who is sick, who has swine flu,
who has missed a whole of school...
I thought we were ahead of all of this
because a few weeks ago we all had the sniffles
and missed a few days of school.
Then we were fine.
I was wrong!
But, alas, our sweet Flower
woke up yesterday with a high fever
and has pretty much been parked on the couch since...
The debacle of going to the doctor or NOT,
is always a struggle for me.
Usually the high fevers end up being viral
and there is nothing to do except
liquids, rest, and rest....

and maybe some of momma's homemade soup.
Homemade Soup makes everything better!
(((Have I mentioned I already miss summer?
I am in denial.
I am loosing my leaves as I type.)))
It is going to be 42 degrees here tonight.
42 that is practically freezing, right?
I officially turned on the HEAT last night!
It is going to be a HIGH of 47
tomorrow! That is pure arctic weather.
Well, for me, anyway.
Ok, well maybe I am being

Maybe when everyone gets well,
We can start enjoying it!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
An Update for Y'all!
Well, I am half way through this semester.
8 weeks until Christmas break! WOW~
And then after this only one semester left in the classroom....
and then moving on to the required pharmacy rotations.
Time is really flying by!
I am SO happy to have a break from school.
A long weekend
and my Rock gets a long weekend home as well.
I have not really elaborated on all the changes
in our lives in the last 2 months.
I have basically been in
and he has been out of town during the week
since mid-August.....
It has been a tough transition.
But, we are still excited about
all the changes on the horizon.
We are moving to......
That seems to be
the place to be!
My Rock will be relocating as early as mid-January
and the kids and I will meet up with him
as soon as we can.
(Most of my rotations are
required to be completed in NC)
*insert sad face*
We are actually looking at moving to
the Northern Kentucky area.

Boone County looks nice.
We have heard through
the grapevine that it is:
1. more rural
2. more family friendly
3. has good schools
4. low cost of living
5. big houses with great prices
6. very close to Cincinnati
7. not horrible traffic/commute
8. only slightly colder than NC
It feels overwhelming to think of all the
changes that are in store for us.
I just hope and pray that everything
falls into place nicely.
This is one of the few pics
I could find online from the area.

At least they still say "Y'all" there!
Maybe it will feel like home after all....
8 weeks until Christmas break! WOW~
And then after this only one semester left in the classroom....
and then moving on to the required pharmacy rotations.
Time is really flying by!
I am SO happy to have a break from school.
A long weekend
and my Rock gets a long weekend home as well.
I have not really elaborated on all the changes
in our lives in the last 2 months.
I have basically been in
single mommy mode.My husband and I have been adjusting to his new job
and he has been out of town during the week
since mid-August.....
It has been a tough transition.
But, we are still excited about
all the changes on the horizon.
We are moving to......
Cincinnati, OHIO (!!!)
That seems to be
the place to be!
My Rock will be relocating as early as mid-January
and the kids and I will meet up with him
as soon as we can.
(Most of my rotations are
required to be completed in NC)
*insert sad face*
We are actually looking at moving to
the Northern Kentucky area.

Boone County looks nice.
We have heard through
the grapevine that it is:
1. more rural
2. more family friendly
3. has good schools
4. low cost of living
5. big houses with great prices
6. very close to Cincinnati
7. not horrible traffic/commute
8. only slightly colder than NC
It feels overwhelming to think of all the
changes that are in store for us.
I just hope and pray that everything
falls into place nicely.
This is one of the few pics
I could find online from the area.

At least they still say "Y'all" there!
Maybe it will feel like home after all....
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Nie Nie on Oprah!

I love reading Nie Nie.
I talked about her blog not too long ago
here on my blog and
I wanted to pass along the information
from her announcement today!!
I talked about her blog not too long ago
here on my blog and
I wanted to pass along the information
from her announcement today!!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Date Night
We have been married for over 10+ years!
(That is a long time!) It still feels brand new.....

We work hard to make sure
that we take time out
when we can
to remember WHY
in the world
we set out down this crazy, hectic,
busy, blissful life in the first place.
We wereway too young and only
20 years old....
and just couldn't wait!
Young love
on......DATE NIGHT!

P.S. Yes, I am aware that my husband still looks like he's only 20 years old.

We work hard to make sure
that we take time out
when we can
to remember WHY
we set out down this crazy, hectic,
busy, blissful life in the first place.
We were
20 years old....
and just couldn't wait!
Young love
on......DATE NIGHT!

P.S. Yes, I am aware that my husband still looks like he's only 20 years old.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Finally Friday
I hate to wish my life away.....
but this week could not go by fast enough.
I have been so busy and so overwhelmed.
I am not sleeping well. Insomnia sucks.
I have never had a problem sleeping,
but the past two months have been challenging.
No sleep + two kiddos + pharmacy classes= TIRED MOMMY

Have you ever felt like this?
Well, this weekend I may get a reprieve!
Although I will be studying the ins and outs of
Thyroid dysfuntion,
Diabetes Mellitus,
Treamtment for Osteomyelitis,
Skin and Soft Tissue Infections,
and other fun pharmacy this and thats.....
I will have the chance for some alone time
(to study and sleep all I want!)
My Sun and Flower are so excited
to be going to visit their Granny this weekend.
I am sure they will get
all the ice cream, fruit snacks, and pepsi
they can eat.

Junk Food Galore!
Fun Times!
They are all packed and ready to go.
I, on the other hand,
am going to miss them immensely,
but hope to have a productive
and restful weekend.
Alone time is few and far between
for busy mommies, huh?
I won't actually be alone
My Rock will be coming home for 36 hours.
*Insert Happy Dance*

36 hours alone with him!
That hardly ever happens.
And we may sleep for ~ 20 hours of it!
It's finally Friday!
but this week could not go by fast enough.
I have been so busy and so overwhelmed.
I am not sleeping well. Insomnia sucks.
I have never had a problem sleeping,
but the past two months have been challenging.
No sleep + two kiddos + pharmacy classes= TIRED MOMMY

Have you ever felt like this?
Well, this weekend I may get a reprieve!
Although I will be studying the ins and outs of
Thyroid dysfuntion,
Diabetes Mellitus,
Treamtment for Osteomyelitis,
Skin and Soft Tissue Infections,
and other fun pharmacy this and thats.....
I will have the chance for some alone time
(to study and sleep all I want!)
My Sun and Flower are so excited
to be going to visit their Granny this weekend.
I am sure they will get
all the ice cream, fruit snacks, and pepsi
they can eat.

Junk Food Galore!
Fun Times!
They are all packed and ready to go.
I, on the other hand,
am going to miss them immensely,
but hope to have a productive
and restful weekend.
Alone time is few and far between
for busy mommies, huh?
I won't actually be alone
My Rock will be coming home for 36 hours.
*Insert Happy Dance*

36 hours alone with him!
That hardly ever happens.
And we may sleep for ~ 20 hours of it!
It's finally Friday!
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