OMG, where has the year gone? It really has flown by! I have been so busy, and I have definitely learned a
ton! Each week I have gone from exam to exam...crisis to crisis~ do or die time
every week--the "exam marathon year" is aka the P2 year. Truth be told, I have been
tuckered out for a few weeks now! We have had ~
30 exams in 15 weeks! I still have 4 exams to go in a span of 5 days of class!
Lord, be with me! I can't do it all by myself. Thank you for seeing me through so far!
But, it has
almost over....
Sigh.................................and breathe!
I am so tempted to start relaxing now......
Plant flowers.
Lay in the sun.
Ride bikes with the kids.
Go to the library.
Plan the up-coming sunshiny weekend.
Sporting the care-free ponytail.
You know........just
Lackadaisical. Yeh, I LIKE that word.

Well, lackadaisical...
might be a stretch...but I
will definitely have the chance to relax, slooooooow down some, plan the day as it happens, sleep in, be bored--even perhaps a few moments where I have nothing to do....what a privilege!
Work? Did my guilt-ridden conscious just
whisper the word, WORK, in my ear?...Get back, satan!
YES, I will be working! I am working as much as I can in May...the difference with work is that you can
leave work at work!
What a privilege!
School is the dragon

........that is
constantly breathing down your neck, glaring at you from the desk with all the powerpoint slides invading your dreams like fire from their mouths, consuming your thoughts, when you are
trying to relax,
trying to be normal....
trying to just
be! But, NO,
school is a consuming process, and this year has been that x10.
But today is the
last day of class. The dragon is going to be
banished to his cave until mid-August....and I will be breaking out my blue jean shorts....putting away the hairdryer and sporting my summer look....
~jeans shorts, tank tops, flip flops and wild summer hair=Summer!~

AHem, Except when I am at work... of course.
Back to dream--
Yep, that is basically what I plan to do......aside from working in May, doing my hospital rotation in June at the Rex ER (!!!!!), and then studying the whole time for the TOP 300 exam (more on that beast later!)......yes
aside from all that.....
Summer is almost here. Happy dance. Time with my sun, my flower, and time doing whatever we want to do. They have been so great this year....understanding when I had to study, when I had to get up early for a 7am exam and NOT be there to help them get ready for school. They have been wonderful. My Rock has been my lifeline....along the way he has kept me in line, helped me focus on the goal, reminded me of what is important along the way.
He has been....my rock. Period. Priceless.
I Can't do it without them, am doing it all for them.
My family. <3
Thank you.
My sister.
Thank you.
You know who you are.
And, now we ALL get a break!!
A reprieve, a moment, a glimpse of tranquility......
My kids and I are
So a week from now......
Easy, breezy, beautiful, summer girl! Not-so-deciduous, Heather!

Reality= I
must study hard for the next
week, finish
strong. But I can
see the sunshine at the end of the tunnel. So happy to be one year closer to my goal. Dr. Deciduous Heather, PharmD, MSCR.
So happy.