This post is part of "Laughter Lives! Tuesday" on the
Riggs Family Blog. Check our
their blog to read everyone else's "Laughter Lives!" posts.
This idea really made me smile. Sometimes we get caught up in the here and now, to-do lists, following a routine and schedule, getting homework done, teeth brushed that we don't TREASURE the moments that really matter. My children have given me many moments and I really wish that I could have written them down and documented them as they happened too. I didn't, but we have had our fair share.
It happened at Walmart...A man was behind us in line...and made several nice comments on how beautiful the kids were...and they had such pretty eyes...and then he looked at me and said "Thier eyes much come from their father?" My Sun has blue eyes, My Flower has green eyes, and mine are brown (and SO are My Rock's)...well before I could say anything My Sun pipes up and says "No, our eyes are not like our Dads either! It's a pure mystery!" LOL~ The man looked at me and looked back at My Sun. I could have died on the spot.
It happened at Target....Good thing my self-esteem is in tact for the most part. My Flower and I were looking at some (short) pajama shorts the other day...and My Flower says loudly, "Now, Mom, you know those shorts won't work with YOUR hips!" Several women looked at me and I just cracked up laughing.
It happened at border control...Our family was heading to Canada to see that side of Niagara Falls...we were going thru border check and the man was asking us how were we related to each other and if we had the kids birth certificates...etc...and out of nowhere 4 year old My Sun hollers "I'm with the wrong family!" I think his country accent saved us, because the man did not pay him any attention and let us into Canada without any problem.
It happened at the Hilton....Same vacation, this time we are in Quebec City, Canada...and we splurged one night by staying in the Quebec City Hilton...we thought it would be fitting to order in room service for breakfast the first morning there before we started our tourist-y activities for the day. We were very excited..and felt like we were having such a "fancy" time in such a "high-fla-luttin joint". We are simple folks, and this was a huge splurge for us...well I ordered breakfast and the room service came, a nice woman rolled our meal into to us, and as smiled and greeted the children, My Sun says "I slept with my sister last night!" in the most country accent I have ever heard. Again, the language barrier may have saved us!
It happens at home.... (all the time)The other night as we were watching a movie, My Rock comments that he could not do that scene of the movie with the kids climbing thru the tunnel because he is claustrophobic, and My Sun turns and asks "What? Are you scared of Santa Claus or something?" LOL
It happens at church....My Sun was about two years old, and was having a very fidgety Sunday morning during preaching. He kept running back and forth between me and My Rock and his grandparents. He finally was taking advantage of the fact that I had let him run a couple of times, and soon he was pushing his limits and just running all over the church. I quickly catch him and scoop him up to "take him to the bathroom" and as we are walking out he is looking at the congregation screaming "Help me! Help! Jesus, please save me!" At least he knows that Jesus saves. :)
Our children are a blessing everyday....Thanks for helping me remember some of these moments.
Train up a child in the way he should go;
even when he is old he will not depart from it.
—Proverbs 22:6