Ecclesiastes III (King James Version): 3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
Hi All~ I guess I should introduce myself briefly here...since I am entering to world of Blogdom and am fairly new at this...All of a sudden I don't know what to say. This does NOT happen often, so bear with me. Let's start with the basics. Hi, I am Heather, nice to meet you, *big grin*
Ok, now that that is out of the way. I have a ton to say but limited time to say it. It is a snow day here in Butcher Holler, NC and that means I have two children, monkeys rather, that are bouncing around and really don't want my head buried inside the laptop. Here they are.
"Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!".
(Psalms 127:3-5)
They are my world and make our lives so fun, keep us busy, make us laugh, drive us mad, test our patience, push their limits, keep us short, we can not remember our lives before they were a part of it. Well, we can remember...but they really did complete *us*....
And, who is *us*? I am referring to the tandem of husband and wife, My Rock and Me, My Rock and Dork, Dumb and Dumber, wrong and right (guess which one is right?) lol~ I am referring to my wonderful, beautiful husband of almost TEN years! WHOA, when did that happen?! Here we are....

So, what is with the weird white coat I am wearing in a couple of these pics? It represents our third child, our most recent "baby"...the one that keeps me up at night studying, keeps me on my toes with a crazy schedule, and has turned me into a non-social hermit with NO social life whatsoever aside from exciting trips to Walmart. Woo-Hoo!! My third baby is Pharmacy School, a road I started down way back in 2005....time is a'passing, and I am a'learnin a ton, let me tell you! It's just spewing out of my ears at this point~ ;) I am sure there will be a fair share of posts pertaining to this beast of a baby that some weeks just totally consumes our lives. Thanks to my family everyday for being patient with me as I trek down this tedious, tough path. I know in the future it will be worth it for all of us.
One last thing I should address....what is with the blog title. Deciduous Heather? And, did I even spell that right? lol~
"deciduous plants, including trees, shrubs and herbaceous perennials, are those that lose all of their leaves for part of the year. This process is called abscission. In some cases leaf loss coincides with winter - namely in temperate or polar climates. While in other areas of the world, plants lose their leaves" (Thanks, Wikipedia!)

Um....99 days......9 hours, 47 minutes....some odd seconds...TILL SUMMER!

So, how did I do for my first blog entry, how did I do? Do you feel like you "know" me a little better? Do you think you will read more? Have you fallen asleep already? I guess I will leave you with an excerpt from our family myspace page. It has been my voice and my effort to stay in touch with family and friends but it has it's limitations so here I am an official "blogger". Here is a little more about me and my famn damily!
We are VERY blessed. Welcome to OUR crazy life~ we are very busy but love every minute.
I am busy with Pharmacy school will finish in (sigh....) May 2011! It will be worth it, right?!
I also have family that I would do anything for. I have a maternal streak a mile wide. I laugh all the time and never, ever fake it. Anything brown rocks my world. I love extensive vocabularies. Big words are hot. I love tight haircuts, nice hands and a sincere heart. I know kindness when I see it. I tend to have an opinion about most things. :) I love the mountains in the fall and I worship the sun in the summer. And I wear sunscreen because it is the right thing to do. Open your heart. I despise hypocrisy and hatred. Prayer works. I look for good in most people. Johnny Depp is the epitome of beautiful. Indigo girls make me remember. Sullivan's Island is my favorite place. I have learned to let go. LIFE IS SHORT SO...Stop talking, start doing. Crash into me. My Rock saved me in all the ways you can save a person. I know true love exists. I know Rebecca checks in on me. Yellow reminds me.... I was Thelma or Louise in a past life. I have a temper. I am a big dork on the inside. I wish I was curvier on the outside. I love my ears and I would not change anything. I can go off on a tangent (obviously). I love carbs. I worry too much, and never ever get enough sleep. My children are my heart. Again, it was nice to meet you. :)